Robin Finch
6 min readOct 13, 2019

How Do I Increase My Website SALES From $50 To $1500 Within 20 Days

Selling is an art and not everybody is an artist. We have mentioned few of the best hacks to increase your website SALES. Along with this I hired SEO service seller and within 2 months I was ranking on the top of Google.

1. Transparent Pricing

Be honest and upfront about the product prices on your website. According to a Baymard Institute study, the leading reason why online shoppers abandon their cart is high extra costs. Researchers found that 60 percent of respondents had abandoned a cart because of high extra costs.

You don’t have to necessarily offer free shipping, but you should clearly display the actual cost of your site’s prices along with any associated fees.

2. Display Trust Seals

First-time visitors are often hesitant to buy products from a new website, fearing their personal information could be stolen or used for nefarious purposes.

To convert these B2B visitors into customers, you must show them that your site is trustworthy. If they trust your site, they’ll feel more confident entering their credit card information and buying your products. As explained by the CrazyEgg, displaying trust seals like Norton, McAfee, TRUSTe, Better Business Bureau, and Thrawte on your website will make it more trustworthy in the eye of visitors.

3. Allow Guest Purchases

Don’t make the mistake of forcing visitors to create an account when buying your B2B products or submitting a lead on your site. In the same Baymard Institute study previously cited, forced account registration was the second most common reason for abandoned shopping carts with 37 percent of respondents leaving their carts behind for this reason.

Not every visitor wants to jump through the hoops of creating an account. In fact, many will leave if this is a purchasing requirement. To boost website sales, allow visitors to purchase your site’s products without registering an account.

4. Target Existing Customers

Rather than marketing your site’s products strictly to new customers, consider marketing them to existing customers as well. According to the Harvard Business Review (HBR), selling to existing customers is five to 25 times cheaper than getting new customers. Assuming you have customers’ email addresses, you can send them promotional messages advertising your site’s products.

5. PPC Marketing

You can drive tons of highly targeted traffic to your site and grow your business in the process using pay-per-click (PPC) marketing. PPC platforms like Google AdWords and Bing Ads only charge advertisers when someone clicks their ad. Best of all, you can specify the keyword searches to trigger your ad impressions, ensuring high-quality traffic for your e-commerce site. If your site sells custom iPhone cases, for instance, you can target keywords like “custom iphone case” and “buy iphone case.” Depending on the match type you choose, your ads will be seen by users who search for these keywords or close variations of it.

According to Power Traffick, businesses earn roughly $3 for every $1.60 spent on AdWords. While there’s no guarantee that you’ll experience the same results, PPC marketing for B2B is undoubtedly one of the best ways to increase sales.

6. Use a Personalized Call-to-Action

As most seasoned webmasters know, a call-to-action is an element of a website that tells the visitor what steps to take next. Common examples include “Click here to get started” or “Contact us today for more information.” While there’s nothing wrong with generic call to actions such as these, you can boost sales by personalizing it.

According to a study conducted by HubSpot, personalized call to actions generate 42 percent more conversions than their generic counterparts from B2B websites. So, how do you create a personalized call-to-action? Basically, this involves using wording that’s relevant to the audience who you are targeting. For an email signup form, you can use a call to action like “Enter your email below.” For product sales, an effective customized call-to-action may include “Click the shop button to begin browsing.”

7. Create Videos about Your Site’s Products

E-commerce business owners shouldn’t ignore the growing demand for video content. According to DreamGrow, adding a product video to a landing page can increase its conversion rate by up to 80 percent.

8. Retargeting

To boost website sales, you should consider using retargeting. As the name suggests, retargeting seeks to recapture users who left your site without making a purchase. With retargeting, your ads will only show to users who’ve visited your site in the past.

A case study cited by the retargeting services provider AdRoll found that a cosmetic company generated an 850 percent return on investment (ROI) when using this marketing strategy. In addition to AdRoll, Google AdWords and Facebook Ads also offer retargeting services.

9. Go Mobile

Of course, you should use a web design that’s compatible on mobile devices. As of 2017, smartphones and tablets account for more than half of all internet traffic according to Statista. If your site isn’t mobile friendly, users on these devices will probably choose a competitor’s site instead.

10. Loyalty Rewards

You can grow your business by offering a loyalty rewards program. According to, 53 percent of U.S. consumers participate in loyalty programs, attesting to its popularity.

The general idea is to offer customers an incentive for buying your products. The online footwear and apparel company Zappos, for instance, rewards customers with 10 points for every $1 they spend. After accumulating enough points, customers can redeem them for store credit.

11. Accept Multiple Methods of Payment

If your site only accepts Visa and MasterCard, you’ll lose a substantial number of sales. As revealed by, 50 percent of online shoppers will cancel their purchase if the site didn’t doesn’t offer their preferred payment method. Therefore, you should offer a variety of payment options, including credit cards, debit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Wallet.

12. Set Alerts for Website Downtime

Conventional wisdom should tell you that you won’t generate any sales when your website is offline. Instead of seeing your site, visitors will encounter an error page. Therefore, you should consider using a free monitoring service like Uptime Robot to notify you when your site is offline. The sooner your website gets back online, the more sales you’ll make.

13. Optimize for Search Rankings

There are hundreds of ways to drive traffic to an e-commerce site. The most cost-effective, however, is arguably search engine optimization (SEO). This involves a combination of on-site and off-site processes with the goal of achieving a top search ranking for one or more keywords. While AdWords involves paid listings, SEO involves organic, non-paid listings. According to Search Engine Journal, up to 80 percent of users ignore paid listings and instead click organic listings.

14. Ditch the Stock Photos

Don’t make the mistake of using generic stock photos on your e-commerce site. To increase sales, it’s recommended that you use real, genuine photos. Sure, it’s probably easier to buy a $1 stock photo, but this will come back to haunt you in the long run. Creating your own photos will make your site more trustworthy while also encouraging customers to take action.

If you really want to go the extra mile and boost sales, encourage customers to create and post their own product photos. Research conducted by the e-commerce provider Bllush found that user-generated product photos increase conversions by more than 200 percent when compared to using stock photos. Amazon is an excellent example of how to leverage the power of user-generated photos. While not required, Amazon customers can post photos and leave reviews about products they’ve purchased.

15. Social Proof

Finally, use social media signals on your site to encourage more sales. Research shows that there are now more than 2.77 billion social media users in the world. Assuming you have a Facebook page, you can display your page’s follower count on your site. When visitors see that 1,500 users have ‘liked’ your brand’s page, they’ll feel more confident buying your products.

By using the 15 strategies listed here, you’ll generate more sales and leads while establishing your brand as a leading figure.